On September 24, the second phase of informational and discussion meetings in Semiz-Bel, Chon-Dobo, and Naryn was completed.

Together with religious leaders, local government officials, and civic activists, we discussed many topics. Recent meetings addressed the issues of early marriage, violence against the elderly, inter-religious dialogue, and state-religion relations.
Religious leaders pointed out that the Shariah does not accept violence, not only physical but also psychological. Restrictions, prohibitions and control over a person are also violence.
On the other hand, it is noted that in recent years the statistics of violence has increased because previously people did not know where to turn. Violence has always been there, but before it was in a latent hidden form
Participants pointed out the importance of family as a space of support and understanding
At the end of all discussions recommendations were written down from participants on how to improve the situation in their locations.
Informational and discussion meetings are held in conjunction with Search for Common Ground Kyrgyzstan